Exo Studies

Exo studies is an emerging integrative metafield exploring the psychological, sociological, and scientific implications of the UFO phenomena in all its empirical and mysterious facets.

About Exo Studies

Exo is Greek for “outside” and “external.” Thus, in its broadest conception, exo studies is the metadisciplinary study of all the anomalous phenomena that lie outside our current models of explanation and views of reality. The existence of UFOs and their occupants is arguably the most heavily researched and well documented of all anomalous phenomena. Thus, UFOs serve as a focal point within exo studies to develop a postpositivist scientific approach that can be used to investigate and make sense of a wide range of other anomalous and paranormal (i.e., “exo”) realities.

Exo studies draws on multiple integrative metatheories (e.g., Ken Wilber’s integral theory, Roy Bhaskar’s critical realism, and Edgar Morin’s complex thought) to develop a “complex integral realism.” This integral approach to “what is real?” weaves together the primary insights from over 36 distinct fields of discourse from the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. This is what makes exo studies metadisciplinary (opposed to merely inter- or transdisciplinary): it draws on the valid knowledge from dozens and dozens of domains of research and analysis connecting the dots using an effective set of integrative principles. As a result, exo studies sheds new light on UFOs by drawing on multiple academic, scientific, and esoteric disciplines that are typically not included in UFOlogy.

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Ph.D.

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Ph.D.

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Ph.D. has spent his life developing “metaintegral” approaches to the fields of ecology and animal consciousness, mixed-methods research, integral psychology, philosophy of science, holistic education, and new post-capitalist models of measuring social impact. For the last two years he has been applying everything he has learned over the last 30 years in these contexts to developing this new field of exo studies. Sean is very passionate about using integral methods to expand our understanding about the big mysterious universe we live in. Thus, exo studies is committed to producing new metaviews of what it means to be living in a multidimensional multiverse.

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