Join us for
Exo Studies Foundations
A 6-Month Course in Developing Multidimensional Awareness
April 3 – October 3, 2023
Join Exo Studies pioneer Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Ph.D. for a 6-month theoretical and experiential course in exploring at least 10 foundational concepts of exo studies. These conceptual tools help us make sense of living in a multidimensional multiverse filled with a wide range of anomalous phenomena and a diversity of intelligent beings (e.g., fay, galactics, and celestrials). Every two weeks we will focus on a different core concept (see list below) through a combination of: a 15 to 30-minute lecture, a rough draft of a future chapter of a book Sean is working on, experiential meditations and practices, online discussion and live video calls.
The goal of this course is to have a safe space to share and discuss a wide range of anomalous experiences and realities with a focus on UAP studies and interactions with non-human intelligences through a variety of contact modalities (e.g., lucid dreaming, astral travel, meditation, CE-5, and imaginal explorations). We will learn about and use exo studies concepts to support our personal growth and collective sensemaking process.
In short, this course offers you the opportunity to be part of a community of practice and discourse where you can participate in a way that works for you – e.g., joining the weekly calls and discussion or going at your own pace and watching the recordings and doing the readings on your own schedule. Thus, this course is a unique space to activate your multidimensional self through practices, meditations, discussions and debates, and shared resources. So come join us and explore the “Wild Kosmos” that Sean has been mapping out for the last three years.
We will explore at least 10 of the following 15 Foundational Exo Studies Concepts:
- Metadisciplinarity – Including 150+ disciplinary fields, domains, and topics from the academic and philosophical literature, UFO and space studies literature, & the esoteric and paranormal literature.
- Taking things serious and holding them lightly! – The ongoing practice of approaching all things weird with ontological generosity, epistemological reflexivity, and methodological pluralism.
- Our Wild Kosmos – We live in a multidimensional multiverse (an integral cosmology) highly populated with a variety of types of intelligences (e.g., organic, artificial, otherworldly, and exotic forms).
- Galactic Posthumanism (Exoterrestrials & Metapersons) – Earth humans are part of a larger galactic family that includes non-human intelligences (e.g., Fay, Galactics, and Celestials) and alternate humans (e.g., deceased, ancestral, future, parallel, galactic, breakaway, and hubrids/hybrids). Together these can be referred to as Exoterrestrials or Metapersons.
- A Big Tent (for a Paranormal Party) – The Phenomena transcends a single explanation – there are over 25 viable hypothesis as to the who, what, & where of Exoterrestrials that we must consider (e.g., extraterrestrials, extradimensionals, cryptoterrestrials, time travelers, ultraterrestrials, members of a breakaway civilization, artificial intelligence, demonic beings, some kind of Valleeian control system). So, we need a big theoretical tent to hold space for all these possibilities, most of which likely account for some portion of the Phenomena.
- Leaving Magonia – An integrative comparative praxis (e.g., that doesn’t reduce aliens to fairies or fairies to aliens and is open to “galactic fairies” and “earth aliens” and the possibility that “x” is neither a fairy or an alien…). We thank Jacque Vallee for giving us a passport to Magonia but now it is time we leave for more nuanced (faery)lands.
- Mutual Enactment Dynamic – Many anomalous realities and experiences are the result of a dynamic co-creative process between ourselves and elements of the Phenomena. We bring something to the party and so does the phenomenon and the exoterrestrials connected to it. There are many layers of human distortion (biological, cultural, cognitive) that we need to make room for and yet we can still say something meaningful about the phenomenon.
- Multidimensional Embodiment (i.e., “multinatural somatic pluralism”) – Our perceptions of anomalous phenomenon is often linked to our multiple (5-8) subtle bodies and their associated “inner” senses. Super experiencers (aka metahumans) are individuals who have access to the inner senses associated with multiple subtle bodies and as a result experience a wide range of anomalous realities.
- Doubleness – The phenomenon is inherently multivalent and self-erasing in part because it transcends our established categories of consensus reality and thus often displays two or more seemingly contradictory qualities at the same time: Subject/Object, Self/Other, Mind/Matter, Past/Future, Real/Unreal, Trauma/Transcendence, Experiential/Empirical, Outside/Inside, and Symbolic/Scientific.
- Wild Being – Reality is multiple, withdrawn, fluid, participatory, ontologically weird, indeterminate, enacted and mysterious.
- Metaintegrative post-materialist science (of anomalous realities) – The development of set of new methods, frameworks, distinctions, protocols, and concepts of valid knowledge to study and discuss exo phenomenon in a non-reductive way. For example, the development or pairing of double/paradoxical methods such as using ontological flooding and phenomenological bracketing.
- Pollock’s Brush – In complementarity contrast to Occam’s razor (favoring the simplest explanation) – making room for the explanatory power of more complex descriptions (e.g., weirder is truer).
- Gordian Taboo Knot – The reason cultural taboos around UFO and anomalous realities are so strong is because they represent an existential threat to our current consensus realities and involve a complex set of over a dozen interlocking and mutually reinforcing social dimensions (e.g., economic, political, educational).
- Total Realization & Subtlism – Building on the work of K. Wilber and D. Diperna there are at least three major developmental trajectories to be engaged in: cultivating psychological maturity both horizontally and vertically (Growing Up), increasing your access to subtle bodies and their associated perceptions of other worlds and non-human intelligences (Opening Up), and accessing various causal and nondual states of being that place us into direct contact with non-conditional reality (Waking Up). These three paths can be thought of as the paths of Self, Soul, and Source respectively. The path of Soul can be thought of as the Path of Fullness (luminosity) and the path of Source as the Path of Freedom (emptiness). Exo studies is fiercely critical of how many of the traditions associated with the Path of Freedom have been and continue to be dismissive, disdainful, and disparaging of the traditions connected to the Path of Fullness (i.e., subtlism). Total Realization involves embracing and having conscious access to the full range of realities and beings in our Wild Kosmos (Path of Fullness) as well as being free of any and all identities, preferences, and avoidances (Path of Freedom).
- Imaginal Gnosis – Our cultivated imaginations are the royal road to accessing the imaginal worlds and their inhabitants. We have to engage in a sustained and rigorous hermeneutics of the self in order to increasingly known when we are imagining something versus perceiving something.
Cost & Schedule
Starts the week of April 3rd and goes till October 3rd, 2023
Each week, there will be two live calls:
- Tuesdays @ 1:00 PM
- Thursdays @ 8:00 PM
US Eastern time zone (i.e. New York time).
During the 6 months there will be 4 integration weeks (TBD) where there will be no live calls or new practices. We will use a Slack space for conversations each week. All calls will be recorded and posted in Slack.
Upon receipt of payment, you will receive an invitation to the course’s private Slack space so you can begin connecting with other participants right away.
If you have any questions about the course, email
Cost: $495 USD.

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Ph.D. has spent his life developing “metaintegral” approaches to the fields of ecology, mixed-methods research, psychology & consciousness studies, philosophy of science, holistic education, and post-capital models of measuring social impact. For the last three years, he has been developing the new field of Exo Studies – exploring the implications of anomalous realities and experiences for our understanding the nature of reality. Sean is very passionate about developing new metaviews of what it means to be living in a multidimensional multiverse.
Check out his latest Exo Studies article, Our Wild Kosmos →